journeying down our path

When people talk of asking advice of those whose words they trust, I am reminded of being a first time mother, and asking desperately how to get my child to sleep. Around me are all the other first time mothers, equally desperate to know answers, keen to offer the advice that they have been given, […]

On contentment

I am an adventurer, I am here to change the world, to make it better. If I had lived in a different time and space, I would have been a pirate or a king, exploring and taking over land and sea, living life on a knife edge, never knowing which day would be my last, […]

Not today, George

“There’s a time and a place for drinking to forget, and today is not one of those days, George.” Goodness only knows what film I saw this in, or even if his name was George. But it is an image that flashed through my head today. I know it was a film that I caught […]